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Geoffrey Ryan
Wizard born
Manchester, England
Second year, Slytherin
35,8 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Geoffreys father was a scholar, one who had spent his life studying Dementors. Not unlike his father he enjoyed his studies. Although his subjects tended to be his peers. While his older sister Erin seemed to feel vicariously through those she subjected to her will, Geoffrey did so to study their reactions.

He is eager to start his year at Hogwarts & prove himself to be a powerful wizard. Possessing a thirst for knowledge & ambitions of grandeur. While he admittedly enjoyed his hobby-like study of others. His real fascination was with magic on a whole.

Geoffrey was odd in his own sense. Due to his habit of proding people for reactions & tests of character. There were few people who were exempt from his studies, his sister Erin being one of them. While the two siblings were each different in their own way. They possessed a strong sibling bond.

Always sporting an eye patch over his right eye. Both are a vivid sapphire blue full of pride & a smugness. A look Geoffrey wields like a practiced aristocrat. Straight midnight black medium length hair, coupled with his pale & elegant features. One might think he’d been a youthful nobility plucked from a storybook, after all many of those stories are darker than we wish to acknowledge. Just like young Geoffrey...