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Persephone Nicholas
Wizard born
Sherborne, Dorset, England
Second year, Slytherin
26,0 cm walnut wood and kelpie hair
Persephone - Percy, according to her father, although she hated the nickname with a vehement passion - was quite clever, according to herself. She also thought she was quite pretty, and quite nice. Of course, since she was also a eleven years-old child with a bit of arrogance, her word was not taken for granted by her parents, who thought that she had a temper, and while she was admittedly pretty, she was not that nice.

In fact, if it wasn't for their parental love for her, they would say she was quite vain, and manipulative, and even sneaky.

But of course, they wouldn't say that to her face.

They were not, per say, afraid of her, but they knew that her accidental magic was something to be careful about. They loved her, of course, but cautiously. Her mother, Alice, a Slytherin at heart, was a carefeul person, after all, and she knew that her daughter had taken the worst of both of her parents ; her own cleverness, and good looks, and maybe her manipulation trait; and she had taken her father's talent with words and instinct on where to hit so it would hurt a lot.

She was a problematic child growing up ; she used to fight quite a lot, with words or fists, but had somehow managed to gather a clique of sorts, with a few faithful friends who did whatever she told them to without question.

Of course, said friends could see other things about her. She was nice, when she wanted to, and ambitious, too. She could make someone feel as if they were the most talented and beautiful person she had ever seen with a simple smile. Also, better be friends with her than enemies, for they had witnessed what she could do to make someone's life a living hell.

A few days before her entrance in Hogwarts, her mother had talked to her and made her promise that she would behave, that she would not antagonize anyone without good reason, and that she would not use her wand to hurt anyone without immediate danger. Persephone had promised, but her mother had merely sighed, ruffling her daughter's hair, saying : "At least try, will you ?"

Persephone had nodded, and, in a rare form of affection, had hugged her mother.

Which was not quite reassuring.