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Alex Grant
Bakewell, Derbyshire, England
First year, Slytherin
25,4 cm applewood and unicorn hair
Full Name: Alex Grant
House: Slytherin
Height: 162cm
Weight: 49kg
Birthdate: November 27th, 2007
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Alex is very socially awkward. She is quite shy. The first time you meet her it may seem that she is timid but as you get to know her she opens up. She likes fuzzy blankets, ice cream, cuddling, seals, autumn, positivity, light rain and hoodies. She dislikes negativity, fighting, the colour yellow, lightning and thunderstorms, bugs, spiders and the dark.

She has medium length black hair with some red mixed in. It was dyed very, very recently. Her parents let her get a little bit of her hair dyed for her 11th birthday. She has six siblings back at home and around, 5 brothers and 2 sisters. She loves to draw although she doesn’t believe that she is very good at it. She is trying to draw a little each day in order to improve her skills.

She is witty and quick minded, going with the flow. She is quick on her feet and doesn’t like to wait up. She has always been trying to stay in the ‘fast lane’ of life even though she doesn’t know it. She holds her family near to her heart and has had a fascination with magical things since she was little. She liked to doodle wands, fairies and dragons all over her homework. She is overjoyed that she gets to attend Hogwarts herself.