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Jay Stella
Birmingham, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
30,6 cm chestnut wood and troll whisker
Basic Information

Full Name: Jay Stella

Age: Eleven (11)

Birthday: March 12 (03/12)

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Romantic Orientation: Undecided

Sexual Orientation: Unavailable


Height: 4 feet, 10 inches (147 centimeters)

Weight: 97 pounds (44 kilograms)


A young man in his early teens with a spiky mess of black hair often swept back and sticking out at different angles. When wet, his hair hangs to about his shoulders, and there is a faint greenish hue from a failed dye-job when he was about ten. After being told he wasn't allowed to dye his hair green, he returned it back to its natural color although it was begrudgingly so.

Jay has olive tone skin though his cheeks and nose tend to redden the longer he stays in the sun. He has warm brown eyes, wide and rounded and thin eyebrows, a small upturned nose and a rounded face. Because of his height and slender frame, his clothes tend to be baggy though he prefers it as it covers his skin to keep it from blistering in the heat.

His casual clothes often consist of a tanktop, shorts and high-top shoes.


Alignment: Neutral Good

Myer-Briggs (MBTI): ISFP (The Adventurer)

Enneagram:  Type 8 — The Enthusiast


As an individual, Jay works best when he is helping someone else or when he has a goal. He's very goal-oriented and driven to reach new heights because of his need to just be the best version of himself. A kind-hearted and sweet boy who can be a mite thoughtful and single-minded at times. His penchant for asking questions often times turning invasive when he isn't focusing on the social implications of what he asks. Jay is wholly and unapologetically himself and sometimes his energy can be draining when someone doesn't know him very well.

He has a hard time listening when he's excited but when he's down, he's almost always got an ear out. He is used to doing first and asking for forgiveness later and can be reckless, getting himself into harrowing situations that may be life-threatening with only the thrill on his mind. It doesn't help that he can be quite stubborn when he puts his foot down. Quirky, and quite eccentric, he sometimes has troubls making friends and his innocence makes him slightly naive.

He is brave in the face of danger and strong enoguh to pull himself out of messes he's made. Jay is a survivor, no matter how many times he's knocked down, he'll pop back up.

Just like a bird wanting to soar high in the sky.


Eleven years ago, a baby was adopted by a young couple with the sole intention of starting a family and raising him as their son. The baby was named Jay Stella after a bluejay which the couple bonded over after finding it injured and working to nurse it back to health. Over the years that followed, Jay grew and was a bit of a handful. His fathers, Roland and Alec, were often at home or meeting with their respective editors and co-workers but they tried to keep up with their rambunctious son. It wasn't often that Jay would end up with bruises and scratches from his antics, grinning wide (sometimes with missing teeth) when they asked of what he did today.

He grew like a weed. Curious and always reaching for something, unwilling to let a 'no' be a 'no' when it came to matters of the mind. He wanted to embrace the world around him and though Roland and Alec tried to keep him on the ground, Jay wanted to fly. It wasn't until a mishap where Jay leapt off the highest branch of a tree in the park, ways away from Alec who had taken him to blow of some energy, that it happened. Seconds from hitting the ground, Jay began to float and he laughed with glee while Alec stared wide-eyed and slack-jawed.

Eventually, the sensation wore of and Jay plopped on the ground, blinking wildly then throwing his hands up asking for it to happen again. He was seven years old at the time and over the next few years, Roland and Alec tried to find a way to help him understand his powers. They'd never seen anything like it before and figured there weren't books nor physicians to consult either.

So when Jay began making lights flicker, brought his stuffed animals to life and played patty-cake with his shadow, they eventually chalked it up to "as long as he's not hurt or upset, it's fine". That is until an owl came to their kitchen window during dinner time, Jay's eleventh birthday having come and gone.

And when he opened it, a new adventure started.


Jay was raised by two fathers who were both attentive and careful with their son. They talked to him about worldly matters and tried to give him everything that a child could ever need — which included a belief in magic. Not the type of magic implemented in Hogwarts but the type of magic that would captivate the eyes of a young boy. Slight of hand tricks, little games that had a secret but he would be far too excited to figure it out. Both men were happy enough to watch Jay grow up while nursing their own love for one another seperate from their affection for him.

His fathers are named Roland and Alec, the two deciding to name him after a bluejay. Roland and Alec are both muggles and while Jay is their only child, they don't shun him for his magical abilities. Instead, they try to figure it out to the best of their abilities. Their own jobs being a writer (Roland) and a freelance artist (Alec), so their imaginations are certainly wide enough to accomodate a bit of weirdness.


Up until he received his Hogwarts letter, Jay attended a muggle school and completed up to his fifth year. He was far more interested in literature and history than mathematics and science, preferring hands-on and auditory learning.

