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Raven Brook
Paris, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,8 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Raven Brook is a boy who has blonde hair that was always messy, and red eyes. He also had a skinny body. Raven loved everything that most boys do from when they were younger to now; Raven was always brave at moments but shy at other times.But Raven had an odd side to him that his mom and dad could never figure out. Every time he would play there was ever a particular cat that would follow him everywhere and once ha named it, and owl started joining and doing the same the cat would, and sometimes when he touched things they would float in the air, and he would tell his parents, but they would never listen. The Brooks always thought Raven would make things up and that he was a regular boy with just an active imagination Mr.Brook however never knew that he had married a witch until a few years ago when his wife Mrs.Brooke told him the almost death shocking news. Raven already recognized the magic in him as his mom would always say. His family has still been considered normal nobody thought Mrs.Brook could have been a witch, so they usually lived how everyone else did. They were never rich and never wished upon it they were okay with their lives and so was Raven though he never had  the things some kids had he was okay with it and knew that things would change one day.