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Beckett Huntington
London, England
Second year, Gryffindor
31,9 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Name: Beckett Huntington
Nickname: Beck
Age: 11
Blood: Muggle-Born
Birth place: London, England

Beck is a tall and lanky kid with light brown hair that he usually covers with a baseball hat when he's allowed. He has smokey blue eyes and smooth pale skin.


Beck was born to two Canadian muggle parents in London England. He lived a rather normal life until he got his letter to Hogwarts. Beck was a hockey player who loved all manners of muggle sports trying to stay active and keep in contact with his friends.

When he found out about his magical blood and his acceptance to Hogwarts, he was not thrilled about it. His parents were so excited and so proud to learn about this new world through this multi talented son. But Beck did not feel the same. he felt the magic made him a freak, and for once he was thrust into a world he knew nothing about, with people who did not understand him. He couldn't find it in him to see this as an adventure so much as a complete upheaval of the world he was supposed to have.

Instead of seeing where sports were going to take him, Beck was now supposed to navigate the wizarding world seemingly on his own. Without muggle contraptions like phones, tv, wifi... he just hoped this meant that wizards are more things to do for fun.

In retrospect he should have known things were a little off, he had experience with random magical events his whole life. Once when he was younger and his mean nextdoor neighbor fell off his bike without anyone touching him, or when Beck really didn't want to eat his vegetables and so they just... disappeared off of his plate with no trace. But Beck had sort of written those moments off, acted like they were just his childhood imagination running wild, coloring the past. But with his letter to Hogwarts he understands what it truly means.