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Nova Lunamoon
Wizard born
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
20,6 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
My name is Nova Lunamoon, and I come from a long line of wizards. My family has a varied history of houses, although the most common is Hufflepuff.

I like sweets, anime, and Asian food and snacks. I also love animals and plan on being a magical veterinarian. The one thing I hate is sports because I'm too clumsy to play and I find watching it boring.

I am kind and try my best to help, but I tend to mess things up. I also try not to swear but sometimes it just comes out. I have ADHD and that makes it hard to sit still and focus. I usually end up not paying attention to the teacher. Oops!

My magic started to surface when I started to see small sparks of light follow me some places. I always thought it was just my imagination but my parents could tell I was starting to develop magic. They sat me down and told me I was going to Hogwarts because I was magical. I was excited, and I can't wait to start.

I come from a loving and accepting background, and I was blessed with possibly the best parents ever. My parents never abused or yelled at me, although I guess there was never a reason to. I was always a pretty good kid, for fear of disappointing them. My family is wonderful and everyone is very kind.

I have short wavy purple hair and blue eyes. I am fairly skinny, though my legs are a little bit chunky.