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Jackson Murphy
Wizard born
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
32,1 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
My name is Jackson Murphy, born to Julia and Samuel Murphy. I was originally born in Galway, but after my parents divorced I was sent to live with my mother in Dublin. My father took off with another women in London. I don't remember Galway that well, but I occasionally visit my father. My mother is a witch, pure blood, and my father is... was a wizard... also pure blood. My father lost his wand after he accidently destroyed several houses in a muggle residential area. Luckily, no one was killed or injured. The one person that had witnessed it now has no memory of that night. They came about a week later and arrested my father, they also snapped his wand. When they snapped his wand I thought they must have hurt my father, he was devastated a look of... pain on his face as if... they were connected somehow. They tried my father, but decided that snapping his wand and having to pay a 1000 Galleon debt was enough to have him not thrown in Azkaban. My mother told my father that he was not welcome in her house anymore and that she would not be paying his debts. He started drinking and going out and I wouldn't get letters from him for weeks. This made my mother mad, and she told him that if he didn't leave Ireland, than she would kill him. I'm sure she was being over dramatic and all, but she didn't let me see him for about a year. When she finally let me go over to London and be with him for a week, I said I had enjoyed it, but I really hadn't. I had just said it so my father would feel better about himself and what he did.
On a happier note I am looking forward to going to Hogwarts, it will protect me from the outside world and shove my worries away. Some subjects that I am looking forward to are Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, and of course Charms. I also want to try out Quidditch, I heard the first years never make the team and we can't have our own personal broom sticks. My mom had a stick and I used to fly it, but after a while it grew old and eventually broke. But, it was a lot of fun and I hope I have a great time at Hogwarts.