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Aurelia Moreau
Wizard born
Somerset, England
First year, Gryffindor
34,1 cm hornbeam wood and phoenix feather
Aurelia Jane Moreau comes from a long line of witches and wizards, dating back to the early 1700's. The Moreau bloodline has long since been housed in a beautiful, spacious Queen Anne style mansion. The Moreau Manor currently holds: Aurelia, her parents Maya and Dillan, her elder siblings Arthur and Katya, her aunt and uncle Harold and Cynthia, their infant daughter Freya, and her other cousins Seraphina, Jaq, and Xina. The house also has five hired house elves, all treated well. The family is well in touch with the muggle world, living close to a muggle town.

Her mother, Maya Moreau is a ravishing woman, even at middle age. She has long, dark and smooth locks, and piercing blue-grey eyes. She is rather tall and lean, and always wearing some skirt or dress.

Her father, Dillan, is a strong and well-built man. He has wavy light brown hair, with warm, amber eyes. He can be heard with a hearty laugh and booming voice. Many may call him intimidating, but he truly has a soft heart.

Arthur Moreau is the near exact copy of his mother, having her fair skin, nearly black hair, and striking eyes. The only difference is that he has his father's build.

As for Katya, she seemed to have inherited slightly darker eyes than her mother, from her grandfather, and medium brown hair. Like her mother the is tall, but is broad shouldered like her father.

And last for the immediate family is Aurelia herself, preferring to be called "Aurie" most often. She is a mix of genes; having her father's hair color, her mother's hair texture, eyes, and build. She is shorter than average, but that is mainly because she has yet to hit her growth spurt.

Aurie is a sweet thing, some would say a little angel. She is bright and cheerful, with not a single bad word to say about anyone. Determined and unafraid, she is stubborn to a fault.

Her magic surfaced just weeks before her eleventh birthday, which is the twenty seventh of June. Aurie and Katya, senior to her by a full twelve years (and graduate of Beauxbatons), were in the kitchens baking some treats for everyone. When Aurie, bless her heart, was having a difficult time cracking an egg. After her fifth attempt at it, she had grown very cross, and sent the pans and pots flying across the kitchen. It makes for a very entertaining tale to tell, but she finds it rather embarrassing.