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Pierre Garfield
Wizard born
Earswick, England
First year, Slytherin
24,9 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Hi, my name is Pierre Garfield and I'm from Earswick, England. I was actually born in Switzerland but moved to England when I was less than one years old. My mom calls me "mon canard", which means my duck, but I don't mind, it's probably fitting, since I like to go swimming. She's French and my dad is English, so that makes me a mix of the two. Although I haven't been to France before I plan to go when I turn thirteen to see my relatives there, since I have a lot more family on my mom's side than my dad. Sometimes they come to visit, and my cousins are really rowdy. They annoy my older sisters Joanne and Ruth, but a lot of things annoy them. My sisters are seventeen and fourteen, and they both go to Hogwarts. I also have a little brother, his name is Louis, he's only siix but I think he's really smart, and we have the same birthday, which is really rare. I love my family and friends.

Most people first notice my red hair. They said it's so red that I look like a carrot stick, but also a mozzarella stick because of my pale skin. My skin only gets pale during the winter, it's tanner during the summer. I have dark brown eyes, like my mom. I'm a little short but my dad says that I'll grow up to be tall as him, and he's 6'5", but for now I'm just 4'10", and
"gangly", or at least that's what my sister says. Ruth says I'm skinny as a twig but she's just a big teaser, I'm actually stronger than I look. I also have a lot of freckles across my face and body, and I like them. I have some scars across my body, mostly my knees and arms, because I like to run around and go in the woods. My hands are a little callous because of the rough playing and work I do, because I visit my grandfather's farm during the summer and help him with the work there. I also have a golden earring in my left ear, I got it from my uncle on my eleventh birthday. It's shaped like an eye and it's pretty cool. To not left be undone, I think, my mom got me another earring, it's also gold but it's a really expensive one that's a small hoop.

Some people, mostly my friends, describe me as creative and persistent, I don't really like to give up on anything that I set out to do. I like to make things I do mean something, even though my hesistance can stop me. I'm not the bravest person in the world and get scared of the decisions my heart makes sometimes, but u try my best to what is right, even if others don't share the same view. My parents would, of course, say I'm smart and hardworking. My mom says that I love to learn, which I guess I do, because I like to read books a lot, but I just like to know what I think I need to know I so I won't make too many mistakes. My dad says I'm really agile and strategic...because he watched me play tag with my friends and I usual catch them really fast, but I just like to figure out how people work so I can do better.

I think my magic first surfaced when I was ten years old, although it could've came before. My mom was cooking my favorite dish, lasagna—it's just really delicious—and I burnt my tongue when I took a bite. It bothered me so much, for some reason, that I caused the tea kettle behind me to whistle really loud, and my mom's cauldron started bubbling. Really everything that could boil, whistle, burn and crackle did just that, and everyone soon found out it was me. My parents were pretty glad, because I hadn't really shown magic before, and I didn't mind it, but it did relieve me because it confirmed that I'd be able to go to Hogwarts with my sisters.