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Ava White
Bristol, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,7 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
I was born into a pureblood family with very strict parents. Although my parents were strict they loved me and my two brothers ( Abraham and Adam) dearly. unfortunately my brothers and I lost both of our parents in a duel with a deatheater at the tender ages of five (me) seven (Abraham) and two (Adam). We were then moved to an orfanage were we were all adopted by different familes. I was adopted by a half-blood family, Adam was adopted into a muggle family, and Abraham was adopted by a lone wisard. As we all got older we kept in touch but slowly we grew apart and after a while we all stopped talking. I lived the rest of my childhood with twin sisters (Layla and Lola) and a brother ( Mitchel) who were lovable but nothing like Adam and Abraham. I started to feel sad and focased on doing my best to get into Hogwarts by the age of 7. As you can most likley guess my gardians and I were very pleased when I got my letter inviting me to Hogwarts. ---Description--- I am a short, scrawny brunette with deep blue eyes and a pale complexion. I have a very defined jaw bone and a very strong voice. I will be sweet but I will also treat you how you treat me (so be nice). I get angry very fast and will snap if pushed too far. ( I also love cats)