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Nicholas Faulkner
London, England
First year, Slytherin
24,5 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
Nicholas Faulkner is the son of Mordred Faulkner, a rich pureblood business man, and, Allanah Faulkner, a muggleborn witch. He led a pretty sheltered life, never really having faced any difficulties in life or even been exposed to the problems of the rest of the world, making him somewhat of a spoiled child. Despite this, his parents were somewhat strict when it came to raising him, so he has a strong sense of right and wrong, and also doesn't flaunt his wealth. He has also been taught to respect everyone, with his own mother being a muggleborn and therefore, he has no prejudices. He was the pride of his parents, both because of the fact that he is an only child and for having shown signs of magic at a very early age.

With both his parents being Slytherins when they attended Hogwarts, his mother being the rare muggleborn Slytherin that shows up every few years, he his biased towards the said house and wishes to get into it. He also shows the traits needed for that house, along with a quick wit and desire for knowledge, which could easily put him in Ravenclaw. He is just as much interested in Quidditch, as he is interested in learning magic.

And, as for his physical appearance, he is of average height for an eleven year old and on the thin side. He has long black hair, black eyes, pale skin and an angular face. And he prefers to dress in dark colors.