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Linda McRae
Wizard born
Ilford, England
First year, Slytherin
30,4 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
She is a petite girl, of average build. She has blue-gray eyes, and dark amber hair that goes passed her shoulders. Her face is slightly round, which makes for dimples in her cheeks when she smiles.

And, she smiles frequently. She is usually the friendly sort though, she has been called shy once or twice. But, that's usually only when she meets someone new. People know her for her kindness. But, she would not consider herself a popular girl. She much prefers to have a couple of close friends rather than a large crowd. She will mingle with many people, and try to make everyone around her feel at home. However, She will always feel most comfortable with a select one or two. She is gregarious with her friends, kind to strangers, and very excited to be studying at Hogwarts. She does her best in school, though she does struggle sometimes in certain subjects. Sometimes her friends are much more interesting than writing scrolls. She loves her friends like they are family.

She loves animals too, both magical and otherwise. She is a very compassionate person, and her heart goes out to all creatures who might be considered helpless or lesser off. Except spiders - she is not a big fan of spiders. That is just a dreadfully excessive amount of legs.

She also might be described as a bit of a neat freak. She likes her space to be tidy, and more importantly - organized. Everything must have its place. Sometimes she gets so caught up in the details that she does not see the bigger picture. As a result, sometimes she worried a little too much about these details. Thankfully, her friends usually help her get out of her funk.

Coming to Hogwarts has been a dream come true! Her father was a Ravenclaw, and being that she had gained a lot of his smarts, she expected that she would be sorted into that house as well. But, behold, she got to Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin. It is a noble house indeed, but she can't help but think maybe she doesn't belong.