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Ariana Jackson
Wizard born
Westport, Ireland
Second year, Hufflepuff
29,6 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Height: 5’4
Weight: 85 Lb
House: Hufflepuff

Ariana is a very kind girl, but is also smarter than you may think. She is as cunning as a fox, but is as stubborn as a mule. Unlike her mother, Ariana is somewhat clumsy at times and trips over her own feet at times. She hopes to make lots of friends, no matter what house she is in! :grin: Ariana may look sweet, but hurt her or any of her friends she will personally see you to your grave. She has also always loved dragons and wants to become a dragon trainer

Ariana has light brown, naturally wavy hair and sparkling sea-green eyes. She is usually seen with her hair down or in a braid, and has died the tips of her hair blue once or twice. Her uniform is always ironed and she always makes sure she looks presentable. Ariana has a somewhat tanned complexion and is taller than most girls she knows. Thanks to her shape, she has always been a talented runner and swimmer.

Ariana comes from a small town in Ireland, where she has lived for many years. Having two older brothers who have already passed through hogwarts, Ariana had a lot to look up too. Her older brothers were exceptionally good at quidditch and dueling, so she learned most of the basic spells already.

Fun fact:
Ariana has taken gymnastics, ballet, hip hop and many other dance classes making her an amazing dancer.
:grin: :biggrin: :grin: :innocent: :cute: