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Rose Caden
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,4 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Hi! I'm Rose. I'm a muggleborn, although my parents both died in a fire when I was three, so I don't really remember much. I now live with my aunt, who doesn't really do much apart from complain. She works as a waitress, so I don't often see her because she works late shifts, but we don't really get on anyway. She always goes on about how my red hair stands out so much and is too unnatural, but I can't help my hair colour! I have also have blue eyes and my skin burns way too easily, so in the summer I constantly smell of suncream, which is just gross.

I don't really have many friends, unless you count the neighbours cat, which I don't. I suppose everyone just thinks I'm a bit odd, which, to be honest, I am. I don't know when I first performed accidental magic, I have a feeling it might have been that fire that killed my parents. I remember that the fire spread so fast, and everyway out of the house was blocked by it. I was in the nursery in my cot, but the fire couldn't touch it. It was like being in a boat on a sea of flames. My parents didn't survive. My dad was rescued my the firemen, but it was too late for my mum. Dad died a few hours later in hospital from the smoke. And no, I don't have a 'tragic backstory', it's just called real life.
Anyway, I've also done a bit of magic at school as well, not on purpose though. one time, I was being chased by a bunch of kids who were teasing me, when I saw this spider. I picked it up, and it just grew bigger and bigger until it was about the size of my hand, so obviously, I turned round and decided to chase the bullies with it. I got in loads of trouble, and when I said the typical 7 yr old excuse; 'they did it to me first', the headmaster just got got angrier. Honestly, it was just a spider! I suppose you can probably tell, I'm a bit of a troublemaker, and my aunt says I have a temper to match my hair (which I don't think is a good thing - although I do like my hair). anyway, theres not really much else to say about me, although my favourite lesson at primary school was science, which isn't really surprising.