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Luigi Largo
London, England
First year, Slytherin
23,7 cm chestnut wood and kneazle whiskers
Describe Luigi's appearance in one word and that would be pristine. Not one short brown hair out of place, always perfectly slicked to the side. Not a crease in his clothes. Uniforms? Fine. If Hogwart's dress codes were uniforms then that would be the only thing he wore, hanging his house scarf around his neck with pride. His has cold blue eyes which you swore were judging you.

If Luigi could only be defined by a deadly sin, it would be wrath. Having a short temper may be the understatement of the century. His father being a powerful and wealthy muggle businessman, Luigi was raised spoiled. Everything had to be done his way. He had people to pick up after him, run around doing his every biding. In short, he expects everything to go his way, and if not, well, be ready to face his temper. Go on then, he dares you to call him Mudblood, he doesn’t need a wand to (try to) hurt you.

Luigi was a muggle born through and through. His mother had died when he was a baby, so he only had his father growing up. Then he remarried and his new wife, Isabella bore him two siblings. Little did he or his father know, his step-mother was a witch. Isabella knew how to hide her children’s magic from a young age. Imagine her surprise when her step-son began displaying magic as well. It was when Luigi’s magic broke a mirror during a tantrum (injuring his brother) that Isabella decided to seal his magic as well until he was old enough to control it. However, when Isabella died, there was no one to explain to Luigi (or his siblings) about their magic. Luigi’s room was always a mess after he lost his temper, but everyone assumed he threw apart the room himself. Luigi wondered what the hell was wrong with him, but pride and not wanting to disappoint his father, he kept it to himself. When the letter from Hogwarts came, his father was disbelieving and sceptical. But Luigi was relieved. It meant that there wasn’t anything wrong with him at all. He was special.