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Anabel Parker
Wizard born
Whitby, England
First year, Gryffindor
33,6 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Anabel Parker is a very cunning, intellectual young witch. She can be a bit mean sometimes but that is only because she prides herself in being honest(Which sometimes hurts peoples feelings. She loves pranking others and is very stubborn.
Looks Like:
She has shoulder length hair, light brown with some blond. She is 4”9’, and she is a bit skinny for her age.
Anabel was born to Jeanne and Alexandre Parker. Jeanne Anabel’s mother is from a pureblood family who were all sorted into Slytherin. Alexandre Anabel’s Father also came from a pureblood family who also were all in Slytherin. Jeanne and Alexandre met at Hogwarts and a year after graduating married. Anabel soon came along a few years after. When Anabel was younger odd things occurred around her when she was angry glass would break. When Anabel was five a young child at her birthday party took a chunk of Anabel’s birthday cake before Anabel even got to blow out her candles Anabel became upset and the cake exploded. Anabel's parents explained to her she was special and so were her parents. Anabel received her Hogwarts letter on a Saturday morning when an Owl flew onto the kitchen table during Saturday brunch. It was no surprise to Anabel when the Owl showed up. Both her parents were ecstatic when she received her letter. Her parents took her to Diagon Alley to shop for all of her supplies. Anabel was overly excited to attend Hogwarts.