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Aster Blake
Wizard born
Coleshill, England
First year, Slytherin
29,5 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Aster Allyenne Blake has lived a fairly privileged life, the only daughter of Abigail and Jonathan Blake. Growing up on their family's lavish manor, she has wanted for absolutely nothing. The Blake family owes much of their wealth to their textile factory, a prominent business that has given them a good reputation. Aster has been brought up to be a promising-up-and-comer in the social scene.

Both of her parents attended Hogwarts when they were young, earning high marks in their classes. They did sincerely hope that Aster would follow in their footsteps, and as such, they were very pleased when she began to display magical abilities. As a student, Aster was bright, but she did struggle with her studies – a fact made known when her desk would begin to tremble and shake as she grew frustrated.

Aster herself is very pleased to have the opportunity to learn magic. She aspires to be a successful witch, and she dresses the part. She is fond of prim, ladylike outfits when she goes out. During her time at home, she is often seen wearing comfortable (but stylish) sweaters. Her blonde hair is worn swept up or kept down in gentle curls.

Described by friends and family, Aster is a charismatic child that is generally pleasant. She is graceful, prideful, and willful. Aster is also known to be spoiled and a touch snobbish. She is easily flustered, and finds it difficult to focus at times.

In her spare time, she enjoys a warm cup of tea (just like her mum), and she is learning how to crochet. Singing and dancing are also a favorite pastime, she does enjoy fancy parties... even if she is not yet allowed to stay up late.