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Conner Timberline
Shanklin, England
First year, Gryffindor
31,0 cm ash wood and dragon heartstring
AGE: 11
HIGHT: 4' 8
WEIGHT: 95lbs
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE: Black hair with long bangs, purple eyes that are constantly moving, althletic build with above average muscle mass.
HISTORY: I was born on a hot summer day in August, 2007 to a Amanda and Jonathan Timberline. My dad was a Graduate of Hogwarts and all of my mom's siblings went to Hogwarts but she was born with no powers and was the only Muggle child in her family. I am a very quiet and mysterious, you can almost always find me with headphones or earbuds in listening to music. I keep mostly to myself, and have very few friends. The friends I do have I look out for with my own life. They aren't just friends anymore, they are family. I am about average hight and fairly muscular for my age.
I have 2 percing purple eyes. You see, me and my muggle mother we're in a fatal car accident, my mother died and I was blinded by glass. My father who works at the ministry of magic, concocted a spell to heal my eyes, but as a result my eyes are now purple, and have enhanced vision. (I.e being able to zoom my vision in, noticing small movements, being able to see magical traps) I've know I was a wizard since I was 10. I realized then that I could predict cause and effect. (i.e bounce a ball off 10 objects and make it in a hoop)
With the help of my father I have learned to develop this ability and call upon it often. Unfortunately as I'm still young, the required focus it takes to control it makes in a simple parlor trick. When I get older, I'd like to make more use out of it. I really have no dreams, I only agreed to attend Hogwarts because my mother always wanted me to go and be like my father. My master plan is to simply stay under the radar and graduate, get a job as a magical detective and work alone.
My dad still works at the ministry but most of his work is pretty secretive, I stay long weeks and months at my aunt and uncle Carrie and Joel ranch helping them. That is where I received my letter inviting me to Hogwarts, they both graduated from Hogwarts and we're extremely proud of me.
But as for me, I haven't decided yet. Will I like it or not? Well I guess I'll have to find out.
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