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Balthazar Briarwood
Wizard born
Cheshire, England
First year, Ravenclaw
24,3 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
The Briarwood family is an old wizarding family, though without the usual prejudice against muggles and muggle-born wizards. They reside in Two Trees, a small and affluent wizarding community in North West England. Balthazar was born the first son of Quaeribus and Carlotta Briarwood.
Balthazar Briarwood is a brave and curious boy. He is loyal to a fault, and his lofty ideals can get him in trouble. He enjoys caring for magical creatures, and his best friend is his family crup, Sam. He also aspires to become a registered animagus just like all the men in his family. His first rendezvous with magic was at the age of five when his parents found him playing in the fireplace--on fire--without getting burned. His favorite color is maroon and his favorite food is treacle tart.
He has short, wavy blonde hair. Atop his two blue eyes are two thick dark eyebrows that move much when he is excited. His ears are prominent and his nose is straight and long. He is of average height and thin, and likes to wear long coats and boots even when its warm.
Balthazar is seldom shy, preferring to have friends in all houses and walks of life. He is cerebrally and verbally quick, enthusiastic, outgoing, innovative, flexible, and resourceful. He is motivated by a desire to understand and improve the world he lives in. He devises fresh, unexpected solutions to difficult problems. However, he is less interested in generating and following through with detailed plans than in generating ideas and possibilities. He likes to talk about his plans with others, though his intensity can alienate some.