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Solstice O'Connor
Kensington, England
First year, Gryffindor
32,2 cm hornbeam wood and phoenix feather
-- Name; Solstice Quinn O'Connor
-- Age; 11.
-- Gender; Female.
-- Status; Half-blood
-- School of Magic; Hogwarts.
-- House; Gryffindor
-- Current year; 1st.
--Nationality; English
--City; Kensington
--Country; England

-- Description; Before you get to know her, Solstice is quiet and observant, and may seem shy. However, she is not. She likes to observe people before befriending them, and, once she gets to know the person, she opens up. She is very kind and has a great sense of humor and will stand up for her friends if they are being bullied. She will also do anything for her remaining family. Solstice has emerald green eyes, fiery red hair, freckles across her nose, and a small scar on her leg from an accident with a stool (nothing magical).

-- Likes;
- Books.
- Anything with historical importance.
- Animals.
-Anything with a good plot.

-- Dislikes;
- Spiders.
- Pessimists.
- People that do cruel things.


Solstice's mum is a Muggle, and her dad was a wizard. Her mother originally did not know about her father's magic, seeing as he was cast out of wizarding society for a crime he did not commit. When her mum found this out, she divorced him and remarried. Solstice lived with her father until some of his prosecutors from when he was cast out of wizarding society fond him and tried to kill him and Solstice. Solstice's father gave up his life to protect her. After that, Solstice went to live with her mum and stepdad, and, when the letter came, was ecstatic, and convinced her mum to let her go. Solstice's magic first surfaced when she was 8, when she gave one of her dad's attackers a nasty burn.