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Kathrine Vincent
Wizard born
Kerry, Ireland
First year, Slytherin
26,7 cm aspen wood and horned serpent horn
Parents: Leon Vincent and Cadence Vincent nne.Gorgon
Hair: Dark Brown, messy
Eyes: Green
Complexion: fair and freckled
Dress: when not in her school robes she is wearing a green sweater her mum knitted her along with a pair of messy jeans and sneakers. she also has a hat she adores handed down to her by her great-grandmother.
Likes: Magical creatures, gardening and travel
Dislikes: Boasting, lies, peas, and mess.
Hobbies: the keeping of faeries, reading, potion making.
Dreams: to be a magizoologist and travel the world to write a treatise on faeries and their numerous subspecies around the world.

From her tall frame and wispy figure Kathrine, Or Katt as her friends call her has the dreamlike gaze of someone always stuck in a daydream. She is smart when she wants to be but most of the time she rather be with her father helping care and maintain the many magical creatures on her family's ranch. A ranch well secluded by protective charms her ancestors placed there in years past. She loves it there with all the magical creatures. While she wants to go on many adventures, she will always go back and help her father gather things from bowtruckle wings to mooncalf dung; her family handles it all.
She showed her first sign of magic at the age of 2 when she floated one of her mum's choice cookies to her [and having a penchant for sweets ever since if you quote her mum}. She dreams of one day becoming a magizoologist and going on adventures like the great Newt Scamander. She keeps a tattered copy signed of his treatise on magical creatures under her pillow and takes time to read some of it every night before bed