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Deakon Langton
Winchester, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,4 cm cherry wood and veela hair
Deakon Everett Langton

Deakon, or Dek, is kind at heart. He always helped his friends. “Sharing is caring” his mother once told him, but he has a tendency to go over board and spend so much time helping his friends and loved ones that he forgets about himself. Dek is rather quiet and timid when he first meets people, but as soon as he finds himself comfortable he changes into a bubbly energetic kid. Deakon was raised to look past the surface and to not judge people by how they look. Whether it’s race, gender, sexuality, just anything really because everyone’s human and no one can be perfect.

Dek is a muggleborn, means his parents are not of the magical kind. He was also what would be called a late bloomer, only starting to show his magical abilities when he was nine years of age. Thankful he was able to stir clear from magical fit due to his open minded and loving parents. It was a spring afternoon and his Mother, Kara, was busy changing his baby sister, Natalia. His mother had gone to chuck away the dirty duper when Natalia had started to roll off the bench. Deakon has been standing on the opposite side of the room but suddenly he was standing beside the change table with baby Natalia in his arm.

Mother: Kara Langton - Muggle
Father: Scott Langton - Muggle
Sister: Natalia Langton - Muggle (so far)