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Honey Kijatsu
London, England
First year, Slytherin
24,6 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring
Name: Daniel Kijatsu (Goes by Honey, Kijatsu is his Mother's maiden name)
Age: 11
Birthday: February 26
Gender: Male
Orientation: Homosexual
Blood: Half-Blood
Parents: David and Jasmine
House: Unknown
Appearance: Honey is a very short boy, at about 5'1" with pale ivory colored skin.. He looks very much like his mother with bright, big honey suckle eyes and a head of brown hair. His figure is more feminine in that it has a little bit more curves... Outside of school he normally wears black jeans and some sort of printed t-shirt and has a flower tucked into his hair.
Honey was 5 when his mother was killed in a car accident. She was the witch in their family, so his exposure to the wizarding world was very limited. His father shielded him away from it, moving to Ireland, where he was originally born. Honey didn't know of this magical background other than he knew he was different then all the other kids at school.

Eventually he was told about his magical background by his father after a strange incident at his 10th birthday party. He managed to get an entire cake thrown at a fellow classmate who was bullying him without even trying!

At first, Honey was incredibly mad at his father.. Swearing he would never talk to him again, until his father concluded on taking him to London, where his parents originally met before moving to Ireland to give birth to their child. Honey visited Diagon Alley for the first time on this trip, where he was truly exposed to the Wizarding World for the first time. He was fascinated by the broomsticks and all the magic around him.... He was more excited, like a child on Christmas, when he finally did receive his letter to Hogwarts.