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Noah Mantel
08 Aug 2004
Ashford, England
First year, Ravenclaw
25,0 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Full name: Noah J. Mantel
Age: 11
Height: 4 foot 3
Birthday: August 8th
Sexuality: Bisexual

* Painting
*Most forms of art
* Music
* Theatre
* The sun
* Plants/ herbology
* Night time

* Drawing portraits/people
* Homophobic people
*Large crowds/gatherings
* Snakes

Appearance: Noah has curly blonde hair, that always seems to get in his way. He has heterochromia, so one of his eyes is blue, and the other brown. He is approximately 51 inches, so he is rather short for his age, although he does hope to get his growth spurt soon. He is rather slender and lanky, and very clumsy due to that. His skin is a light tan, although it does darken dramatically in the summer.

Personality: He is shy, yet not unopen and unwelcoming to new people, although he does have mild social anxiety and large crowds tire him out. He enjoys painting landscapes, but cant draw humans for the life of him. Singing and acting are also some of Noah's passions, and he enjoys theatre above all else. You can almost always see him covered in paint.

Family: Noah's birth father died in a dual when he was very young, but she has remarried since then, and Noah has a very healthy relationship with his parents. They completely accept him as he is, and will support him in almost anything he will do in the future. He first experienced magic when he touched one of his mother's trophy roses, and it wilted. He specializes in herbology and other plant like studies.