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Holding Scarsgård
Cardiff, Wales
First year, Hufflepuff
34,9 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Hello! My name is Holing Skarsgård. My father is a Swede by nationality, and my mother is a Welshman. I have dark curly hair, which is very difficult to cope with. Dark eyes, freckles and always tanned skin, because I spend a lot of time in the summer on the street. I was born in a small town in south Wales, but at the age of five I moved with my family to Cardiff. There I went to school, and by the end of the first school year, I became famous in the whole district as the most intelligent student of my age. As far as I know, the wizard was my great-grandfather, and, apparently, from him I got magical abilities. He died during the terror of Grindelwald, circa 1943. I love to study my family history and the history of Wales. Although the Welsh, unlike English and Swedish, did not become my family, I do not lose hope to get closer to my mother in language skills. I also studied Finnish at school.
Another interest, besides languages, is the education system. I read a lot of books about education in different countries. It would be interesting to study the system at Hogwarts.
I was very surprised to receive a letter from Hogwarts, because my parents are Muggles. Although now, after finding out information about my great-grandfather, it has become quite natural.