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Riley Valentine
Falmouth, England
First year, Slytherin
24,9 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
riley uses they/them pronouns and will correct you if you use he/him.

Riley was born in Falmouth, England, to a wizard mother and muggle father. He was aware that she was a witch before they were married, so it was hardly a surprise when Riley started with their accidental magic at an early age.

Knowing they would be going to Hogwarts, they went to a muggle school until they turned eleven. They spent much of their childhood at the beach, and have gotten pretty good at surfing for someone as young as they are. They have one younger sister, Sylvia Valentine.

Riley is of roughly average height for an eleven year old -- 4'11". They have short white hair and, going along with that, their most defining trait is their albinism which necessitates a truly staggering amount of sunscreen and sunglasses being worn if there is any sun at all outside.

Their eyes are a pale reddish-pink and they have lots of freckles dusted across their face. They are highly sensitive to light and have bad photophobia; their eyesight has also been damaged by their condition and they wear glasses at all times.

Riley is generally somewhat quiet and shy around people they don't know. They have very nervous mannerisms which is apparent at a glance; they constantly tug at their shirt or robe-sleeves and never seem completely comfortable in front of strangers, often neglecting to make proper eye contact.

They're a god-awful liar but it doesn't stop them from trying; it's immediately apparent when they're concealing something but absolutely impossible to pry out of them. They hold onto information tenaciously, and if there's one thing to say about Riley it's that if you share secrets with them they'll never say a word about them to anyone else.

As a result they've gotten very good at telling half-truths and skirting issues completely by diversion. Good luck getting any actual info out of them if that's your goal.

Riley has a tough time focusing on anything for more than five minutes unless it's one of their hobbies. School, even magical school, is really not one. They're an excellent writer when they put their mind to it but that doesn't happen often. They hate loud noises (and, by extension, potions class).

They're somewhat louder and less shy around people they consider friends, or people they want to become friends with. However they're also hyper-sensitive to criticism from people they like, so it's very easy to make them upset, although they do a good job (in public, at least) of hiding it.

They like to be in control of situations, though they are often too timid to make that happen. If they're angered sufficiently they can actually get themselves on top of things pretty well, but it does make them come off as bossy and authoritative.

They aren't generally bothered by bullies and come off as vaguely apathetic to just about everything. They hate being the center of attention and try to keep a relatively low profile. They have a habit of napping in strange places, usually by the lake, and don't really enjoy eating to the point where they'll usually skip all but one meal a day. Oddly, they do not enjoy sweet foods at all.