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Altheda Bellamy
Herefordshire, England
First year, Slytherin
29,3 cm willow wood and unicorn hair

Hello! It's so nice to meet you. My name is Altheda Bellamy, and I'm so excited to be going to Hogwarts this year--I've been waiting for my letter for ages! My magic manifested years ago; I was in my aunt's garden, and a gnome pulled my hair, which upset me as it would upset anybody, and then I felt a burst of something and suddenly the little beast was a gaudy yellow color. Not the most proper instances of first magic, but there you go. And ever since then I've had to wait, but finally, I can practice!
I grew up in Herefordshire, in a somewhat sizable estate, if I do say so. My family does have some of that "old pureblood-money," as Dad calls it, and we've inherited the house, you see. Oh, I don't mean to sound so stuck up! All I mean to say is that I've got plenty of room at my house for company over the holidays :)
I'm a pure-blood, but I suppose I'm only a pure-blood from a generous standpoint. You see, we've been a family of witches and wizards for as long as history remembers us, except for a stint in the early 1800s where four family members married muggles--this is what kept us off the Sacred Twenty-Eight, you see, though personally I've never felt that to be a big loss. I don't care much for such restrictions, but my parents and I, (and their parents, and so on and forth...) have had little to do with muggles at all, simply because we've never had occasion to. For those of you who know muggles, or have muggle parents, I've recently read a book by a woman named Mary Shelley, and I have a few questions...
As for my family, it seems quite small. I'm an only child. Although I do have a number of older cousins, they're all older than me, and terribly dull. I don't mind being on my own; I enjoy reading a lot, and drawing. I'm very excited for Potions class--I think I'd like a hands-on approach to magic at last, rather than just reading about it. Mother is rather gifted with potions you see, and it's fascinating to watch.  I think I'd like to be a Potions Master one day, can you imagine? A distinguished occupation, if I do say so.
A large number of my family have been in Slytherin for generations, along with a fair number of Ravenclaws and a smattering each of Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors. Both of my own parents were in Slytherin, though Dad has told me he was almost in Ravenclaw.
I must also admit, I find myself drifting in thought quite often. Mother calls me "aloof," though I think that's much to mysterious a word. I hope that doesn't make me seem too odd. My mind just wanders off, sometimes, though at other times I like to think of myself as quite sharp. I suppose both problems can be a blessing and a curse.

Anyway, I think I've talked about myself enough for now. There's always time for that later. It was a pleasure to meet you!