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Gilbert Whitlock
Wizard born
Canterbury, England
First year, Hufflepuff
27,5 cm blackthorn wood and dragon heartstring
Gilbert Destrier Whitlock is the son of Elewyn Mackenzie Whitlock, Junior member of the Wizengamot, and Destry Whitlock, Hippogriff breeder. He admires his mother's tenacity and her courage to stand up for her ideals. He is equally enamored with his father's work ethic and passion for animals. Both his parents are respected and admired in their work, and though Gilbert isn't sure he wants to follow in their footsteps, he knows he wants to be just as successful.
In appearance he resembles his father more: he is of average height and build for an adolescent, with serious eyebrows and a strong chin. His pink skin contrasts with dark hair, cut short and neat. He has his mother's sharp nose and freckles.
Gilbert's first sign of magical ability appeared at age two. A young Gilbert toddled away from the paddocks and got lost in the woods. After searching for the boy for hours, Granny Whitlock found that he had somehow reappeared in his crib, sound asleep and snuggled up to his niffler plushie.
Gilbert is quiet but confident and has never backed down from a challenge. He is curious and thoughtful but hasn't had many chances to make friends. Growing up an only child has been lonely and rather dull, and he is very much looking forward to the change of pace that attending Hogwarts will bring. Gilbert has a bit of a competitive side and is eager to see how he will measure up to his peers.