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Beatrice Vamdom
Verona, Italy
First year, Gryffindor
29,5 cm alder wood and phoenix feather
☽B E A T R I C E☾

Dob: 21st June

A witty and bold witch with blonde silky hair and blue/gray eyes.

Origins: She is italian and lives in Verona with her family. She speaks italian, english and spanish.She is a bit rebellious and stubburn but she's very kind and generous and very protective of her friends. She likes to cook, listening to rock music and going on adventures!

Her parents are muggles and she has two older sisters, muggles as well: her mom is a teacher and her father is a banker. Bea always knew she was different from other people, since early childhood weird things happened when she was around: she could feel animals needs and she always had a good sixth sense. Also her eyes can change color to green and dark blue depending on the weather and humor. For this reason she was always an outcast in her muggle school and kids would make fun of her calling her a "freak".
But she never felt like one.

..but I got a mind to show my strength
and I got a right to speak my mind..
And I'm gonna pay for this, they're gonna burn me at the stake but I got a fire in my veins..
I wasn't made to fall in line