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Aristotle William Lynch
Galway, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
25,8 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
Aristotle (better known as Ari) is 11 years old and stands at 4ft 6in with unruly brown hair. Ari has brown eyes with a little bit too big square glasses. He is shy around new people and akward in social situations. Once you get to know him, though, he is very talkative and funny. Ari was born in the United States and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch (who both have magic), couldn't have children so they adopted him. His birth mother (who was a witch) was a teenager when she had him and gave her child to the couple. He does know his birth mother (who is more of an aunt to him) and visits her once a year on his birthday. He was named after two historical figures Aristotle, the Greek philosopher/scientist, and Wiliiam Shakespeare, an excellent poet, playwright, and actor.
As a child he was always creating things out of paper, cardboard, and anything he could get his hands on. He was a fairly well mannered kid, and only got in trouble because he got into something he shouldn't have. As he grew up his passion for inventing increased.
On a seemingly normal day, a five-year-old Ari was building a model airplane (about the size of a bike). When he was finished, he headed into his house to get his mom and dad but not before he heard his plane roar to life. He hurried over to his plane and jumped on the back. Mr. and Mrs. Lynch both heard Ari's plane and ran outside to see him on the plane above the roof. Long story short, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch spent most of the afternoon trying to get Ari down and Ari got a talk from his parents about magic and Hogwarts.

Message to Professor Benoit: I do know Henry Moore, but we are not the same person.