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Henry Moore
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
32,4 cm hornbeam wood and phoenix feather
Henry Moore was born on September 15th to his parents, Lucas and Maria. A year after he was born, his parents died in a car accident. He was immediately put in the foster care system. When he was three, he was adopted by his foster family. Henry has always had a deep appreciation for learning, and he takes his schooling very seriously. He is usually shy, but once he gets to know people, he puts his complete trust in them. Henry has brown hair, brown eyes, and is slightly taller than the average eleven year old. He has two younger siblings, Oliver and Jackson. In his all muggle family, it came as a surprise when his magic started to appear. The first time it happened was when Oliver was distracting him from a book he was reading, and he told him to go away multiple times. He got angry and shouted, "I wish you would just disappear!" He looked down at where his brother was standing before, and he was gone. The second time was when one of his classmates was bullying him and he accidentally turned his hair orange. When Henry got his letter he was beyond excited. He wanted to learn everything he could about this hidden world. He does everything he can to be the best wizard he can be.