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Daisy Johnson
London, England
Second year, Ravenclaw
33,8 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
Daisy is a shy young girl with blond hair and brown eyes. She grew up in London England with an older brother named Dylan and her parents. Her mother is a witch and her father is a muggle. Growing up Daisy attended a public school down the street from her home. She loved to play with her friends and read books. When Daisy was 6 she levitated a book from a shelf into her lap. When her parents found her her mother was very happy to learn that her young daughter was magical just like her self and Dylan.  Her mother taught her brother and her many things about the magical world. She grew up learning about magic and stories about her mothers times at Hogwarts. When her brother turned 11 he got his Hogwarts letter. Daisy was very happy for Dylan but sad that she was still to young to attend the school. Four year after her brother got his first letter Daisy got hers as well. She was very happy that she finally got her letter but was sad that she had to leave her friends and family. She was glad that she could owl her parents and that her mother would give any letter she sent, for her friends, to them. She hopes that she will make new friends at Hogwarts. She cant wait to see what school will throw at her.