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Grognek Critchley
St Helens, England
First year, Hufflepuff
24,5 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
My name is Grognek Critchley and I am 11 years old. I have blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin. I come from a family of five with two adopted brothers who sadly did not attend this school as they are muggles. However, both my mother (Cara Critchley) and father (Jesse Critchley) attended hogwarts when they were children. As my mother was a Hufflepuff and my father was a Slytherin I don’t have a clue what house I will be in. I have been brought up in a loving environment where my parents focused not only on magical history, but also muggle studies, so that I could be closer to my brothers and understand their culture.

I hope to raise awareness and understanding of muggle culture for hogwart students when I join. I believe that it is important that we embrace both races and help muggleborns feel more welcome and accepted at Hogwarts.

I am very happy that I will be joined in Hogwarts by my friendship group as they are my best friends and I would do anything for them. As my mother owns a potions shop ‘Versatile Vials’, I feel that I will enjoy my potions lessons due to assisting my mother with a few simple potions. I am also passionate about magical creatures and currently have a pet puffskein called Fluffy that I have cared for for years.