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Misty Robinson
Pembroke, Wales
First year, Gryffindor
30,1 cm chestnut wood and white river monster spine
My name is Misty. I am magic
One cold and stormy night, a girl named Misty was born, with icey blue eyes and freckles. The girl grew up in a small town with her father being her only family, after her mother died when Misty was only a few weeks old. Her father was a wizard, but not a very powerful at that. He had been expelled from Hogwarts in his 2nd year, for 'accidentaly' letting the Threstrals loose into London. Misty didn't have many friends before Hogwarts, because she had always seemed the 'weird' one in the peoples opinions; the girl with the tangled brown hair who lived in a tiny house on the edge of town, the girl who read fairytales for babies, the girl who...
When Misty was ten, her father told her she would not be going to the school every other girl in the town was going to, she would go to his old school, Hogwarts. When her teacher asked everyone what school they were going to next year, Misty was the only one who wasn't going to the one in Cardiff, and she was teased even more. Misty didn't understand why her classmates hated her so much, and she thought it would be like that at Hogwarts. "They won't tease you my dear," her father told her, "The Muggles tease you because of the magic in you. Everyone has magic at Hogwarts." Misty didn't believe him, but in September she reluctantly stepped onto the scarlet steam train to Scotland...