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Linus Prescott
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
34,6 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
Linus Presott was born in London, England on January 10, 2007 to his parents Renee and Jeremiah Prescott. Linus exhibited no signs of having magic until he was four when his parents found him clumsily zooming around the backyard on his older brother’s broomstick. His entire life, Linus has lived in the shadows of his siblings, who have always been very successful when it comes to their athletic and academic endeavors. Though he is no less athletic or intelligent than his siblings, being the youngest, Linus felt the need to work harder to keep up with his siblings Lydia (14) and Lysander (16). However, after years of being unsuccessful in his attempts, Linus stopped trying to live up to others’ expectations and decided to forge his own path--as the family troublemaker. Both of Linus’ parents work for the Ministry of Magic--Renee as an auror and Jeremiah as an unspeakable. Despite them allowing Lydia and Lysander to study abroad at Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, they have chosen to keep Linus more within arm’s reach, feeling the need to keep a watchful eye on their most troublesome child in order to maintain the integrity of their pureblood name and their high status within the Ministry.
Linus lives for adventure and adrenaline. He is always looking for the next opportunity to create chaos and enjoys the thrill of barely managing to come out of a prank without being caught. From the minute he could walk, causing trouble came naturally to Linus, and while he fought it for many of his youngest years, around the time he turned six, he chose to embrace his rebellious side. Although he lacks no intelligence, Linus has a hard time keeping up with the boring grind of any sort of school work and his marks suffer for it.
A physical trait that all three Prescott children inherited from their father is their pale grey eyes. That in combination with dark brown hair like their mother’s leaves no doubt that they belong to the same family. In fact, when they were younger, Linus and Lysander were often mistaken for twins considering the only real difference in appearance between the two was the sprinkling of freckles across Linus’ nose.