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Asha Pederson
Wizard born
Richmond, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,8 cm sycamore wood and unicorn hair
Asha Pederson is an elven year old girl from Richmond, England, where she's been almost her entire life. She lives there with her small family of five, which includes her mother, father, younger brother Terry, and her disabled grandpa Henry. While her parents are both muggles, Asha was adopted, when she was two, she probably received her powers from her birth parents. Luckily her grandpa is a squib and he was able to tell her about her heritage.

Asha has long, dark brown hair, amber eyes(around muggles she wears dark brown contacts but she takes them off when at home, or in this case, at Hogwarts), and slightly tan skin. She's average height, almost 4'7, and has light freckles all over her body. Her voice is a little high pitch and she smiles a lot. She has a great singing voice and she snorts when she laughs. Asha is a fast runner, very agile, and light on her feet, usually not making a noise. She has small features except for sort of big ears and she wears braces, but she sounds normal with them.

Asha is a cool girl to be around. She likes to be daring, try things she hasn't before, and do fun things with her friends, like mini projects, go on adventures, or party. Around people she doesn't know very well, Asha is calm, open-minded, and sometimes a little too nosey, although she just says that's how she gets to know others. She works hard when she's motivated enough but can be caught slacking off and getting distracted more than a couple of times. Asha is a relatively happy person and she usually tries to lighten up the mood in sad situations, either by joking around or doing something silly, even if she looks like a fool.

Asha first noticed her magic when she was eight years old. Her parents had volunteered at the town garden and the younger kids were sent to take care of the succulent plants. One bad kid ripped off parts of the plants and even broke some pots, but he stopped when Asha pushed him. While he cried and went to tell an adult, she tried to clean up, picking up pieces of a plant. She put tried to fit the pieces back together and ended up doing just so but magically. She fixed only one plant and got into trouble anyway.