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Ellis Templeton
Pemberling, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,7 cm pear wood and horned serpent horn
Ellis, although she is a halfblood by blood, was raised as a muggleborn after her father walked out on her and her mother when she was just two. She doesn't remember a thing about him, and she doesn't especially care to. She lives with her mother and grandmother in a cottage upon a hill in the small town of Pemberling, and takes- or took- the bus to her primary school on the outskirts of the nearby city of Worcester. From a young age, Ellis has been a bright student, especially in subjects such as chemistry. She's hoping her skills will transfer into the Wizarding World- as she was rather hoping to be something akin to a chemist. Ellis strongly wishes to be seen as a good student in her teacher's eyes. Most of her teacher's from her muggle primary school found that although she was bright, she also was rather mischievous. In fact, Ellis is not really that much of a prankster- it was indeed just her magic acting up. Ellis is in awe at the prospect of attending a school with real witches and wizards- apparently it hasn't yet sunk in that she is, indeed, a witch herself. She's not too keen on meeting any ghosts- they've always frightened her, even in muggle cartooons- but she'll stomach meeting them if it means she'll have the education of a lifetime.