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Jackson Cornery
Wizard born
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Ravenclaw
30,0 cm redwood and dragon heartstring
((Disclaimer: Avatar is not mine nor do I claim it as mine))

Quick Origin

He was born on June, 30, 2007 into a small family of Wizards with one other older brother, Johnathan. with all of them going to Hogwarts in the past now his father, Robin Cornery, works as a Writer and his mother, Kathy Cornery, as a Dragon Keeper and his brother as a Curse Breaker. Jack knew magic existed but hadn't known his family were wizards at an early age. He never really had a bad life he had good friends, his family loved each other, and he went to a normal school. But when he learned that his family are wizards he was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe it. He wanted to know more about how everything worked and when he would learn his spells he soon learned that his mother and father were both in Ravenclaw and so was his brother so Jack wants to be a great wizard like his father the moment he got his first spell book. He'd read through it day and night over and over again but... he never felt a semblance of magic. He felt like an outcast. He locked himself in his room and rarely came out for weeks. His family tired to tell him everything was fine but he knew it wasn't. One night he woke up and quietly walked out of his room. He took his father's wand and walked outside with the wand and a glass bottle. He took a simple spell out of the spell book. He pointed it at the bottle. Closed his eyes and said the spell. The bottle then levitated a small bit then fell down and smashed. He was ecstatic! He was so happy he forgot whatever he just did. His mother and father ran down hearing the glass smash and saw there son standing there. Wand in hand and the biggest smile on his face. They were happy for him but still mad for using magic in the muggle world without permission but happy because he finally found that magic that was always in him. After being punished for a few weeks he found a strange letter by his door. It had a strange crest and was sealed with red wax. He opened it and realized it was the invitation for Hogwarts! Now he begins his first year in Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


Dark Brown Hair

Wears Reading Glasses

Brown eyes

Slightly tall, slim


Very upbeat and willing to meet new people and loves jokes.

He likes potions, spells, owls, charms, and healing

He dislikes toads, white chocolate, heights, needles, and slimy or wet things.