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Katherine Blackwell
Wizard born
Paris, France
First year, Ravenclaw
23,5 cm mayhaw wood and wampus cat hair
Hi! I'm Katherine. Delighted to meet you! I am so excited to go to la Hogwarts! Please excuse some of my bad Anglais, oops I mean some of my bad English. I am from Paris, France. I am really bubbly, bavarde (talkative), intelligent, et (and), amical (friendly). Je (I) amour (love) animals. Je have 2 dogs, 2 cats, et 4 horses. Je have blonde hair et blue eyes. I also have a birthmark in la shape of a doughnut. I also amour painting my nails and my favorite color est (is) blue. Je know je come from a long line of wizards and witches but je knows je has some muggle in moi blood too. I have ma wonderful mom Angelic Blackwell and my wonderful dad Pierre Blackwell. I remember the day that je got ma magie (magic) like it was hier (yesterday). I was playing at the park with some of my muggle friends when il (it) happened. Je was pushing ma ami (friend) Elizabeth on the swing when I stopped pushing sa (her) on the swing. That's when ma ami said "Katherine watch out!" et then I saw it come towards ma face. Il seemed to stop right in front of my face. It didn't move another inch. Ma copains were confused, and so was je, until je remembered my parents had magic. So je looked over to ma parents et they were smiling. When we got home ma parents had a huge celebration. They invited most of ma famille. They invited aunts and uncles, grandparents and cousins. La celebration lasted for days. That's the story of how I got my magic. Can't wait to go to la Hogwarts for the first time. Au revoir (bye!).