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Cleo Killian
Swansea, Wales
First year, Slytherin
29,8 cm blackthorn wood and kelpie hair

S t a r t

Cleo Killian was born to muggle parents Darius Killian and Brianne Dawn October 23rd, 2006 at exactly midnight. She is named for the last ruler of the Egyptian Dynasty, Cleopatra, as her father is a Historian with an affinity for fallen kingdoms. She grew up in London England until the age of five when her mother suddenly passed away from Breast Cancer, and her father moved them to his hometown Swansea Wales for something akin to 'new beginnings.' Here Darius raised his only daughter as best possible, but her fiery attitude and hard headed nature was what made their relationship so evidently rocky as time waned on.

It wasn't until she was nine that Cleo began showing signs of wizardry, and even then it was consistently overlooked and played out as 'coincidental' when odd happenings went on around their household; however it was when Cleo's once deep auburn locks began to color change into an ashier blonde tone ( resembling that of her late mother's ) that Darius took serious notice of his daughter's hidden talents - talents that came from his side of the family no less. His mother, a pure blood witch born and bred gave birth to five sons with a muggle man after fleeing her tyrannical family and unfortunately Darius was the only son to not take on the abilities of a wizard. No less, he opted for a simpler and happy life with no clue he would one day be raising a witch under his very own roof.

Knowing the letter would come on her eleventh birthday Darius gave Cleo the proper tools to prepare for her new up and coming life. Of course he gave her the option of home schooling with her grandmother but Cleo refused this idea vehemently. Not only was her grandmother a witch in blood but she was certainly a witch in personality too - Cleo tended to not get along with any of her father's family as she harbored much of her mother's spit fire personality.

Evidently this led to Cleo being unsure of who she really was, as all her life she figured she was simply a normal girl with a deceased mother and a nerd for a dad. Now all of a sudden she has abilities? It wasn't like she already found herself in enough trouble at school as it was, but now she would need to grow accustom to a whole other way of life outside of the slice of pie life she currently knew.

Nonetheless, the day her Hogwarts letter came in the mail was the day Cleo took on a whole new persona in order to live a life void of past burdens. Her family name meant nothing in the Wizarding World, she was a muggle born with a loud mouth and bad attitude that wanted nothing more than to make a name for herself. But how exactly would she do that?

P e r s o n a l i t y

Cleo resembles her mother in many ways when it comes to her personality. She is well spoken, opinionated, abrupt, confrontational, and definitely can come off as simply cruel. Despite what she may appear to be however Cleo truly is an empath who was never given the proper tools to understand the immense amount of feelings she feels on a daily basis. She has learned to shut that part of her off and connect with the more cold, harsh and blunt side of her in order to protect her already fragile heart.

Cleo is a huge Historian like her father, other than his azure blue eyes this is the only trait she received from him. She loves learning about fallen kingdoms, conspiracy theories, ancient societies and warring countries. Another one of her favorite hobbies is innovation, as she is an incredibly creative person both linguistically and artistically.