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Quinn White
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
27,0 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
I have always been an oddball, bold, sarcastic, quirky, adventurous and much more so I want to tell you how all of those traits came about.
I was born into a Muggle family alreary consisting of my mother, my father, my sister, Anne who was 5 when I was born and my brother, Marc who was 1 when I was born. My mother worked as police officer, in the homicide department and my father as a teacher, teaching maths to eleven year olds. By the time I was 4 my first magical experience happened. I went out shopping with my mother and I saw a strange looking man, when he noticed I saw him, he just disappeared from thin air. My baby sister, Lia was born when I was 6 and our family was complete. Around about the same time my older sister started school, which was devastating for me as I was super close to my sister. When I got older more people started comparing my looks to my younger sister, “Her pale, piercing, round eyes look just like her younger sister, Lia.”, “They even have the same strawberry blonde colour in their hair.”, “How cute is it that they both wear glasses?” and the most common phrase being “They look like twins that were born 6 years apart.” more things people said about me looking like my sister, the more I despised her, but then again I enjoyed getting the attention from the adults. Then comes the day where my life changed forever, the day I got my Hogwarts letter. My parents were already planning on sending me to the school my dad taught at and my dad was confused and outraged at the letter and demanded “I was not to go to this made-up school” and at these words my mother surprised us all and said “Shaun it’s not made half sister went there” and before my father could respond my mother said “We will continue this debate when the kids aren’t here”. I couldn’t sleep that night, particularly because I could hear my parents fighting and particularly because I am a witch, a witch who would of thought little, boring Quinn White was a witch. In the morning my mother came up to me and said “Me and your father have decided and your going to Hogwarts but your father and I are going to... have a break for a bit” at these words I immediately understood my parents were getting a divorce, thoughts rushed through my mind like “This isn’t happening” “This has to be a dream” “am I sure I understand what she ment” but all these thougths rushing through my head I didn’t realize tears were streaming down my face and into the bowl of cereal I was eating before she mentioned it.