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Cadayle Fairweather
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
23,1 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
Cadayle would appear your typical city orphan. Her brown leather coat that is much too big for her is worn proudly, yet it is tearing in some spots, barely held together by ragtag and rough stitches. The rest of her clothes consist of a white T-shirt, black jeans and worn boots and covered in dust and grime, her coat however is notably less dirty. Her face is littered with freckles and her lightning blond hair compliments her emerald eyes. Even for a young developing girl, her shoulders are broad and she looks more boy than girl.
Cadayle is a feisty girl. Often one to start a fight then to avoid it or prevent it. She’s hot tempered, short sighted and naive, yet on the other hand she’s brave, kind, humble, speaks up against injustice no matter who is listening, and always puts others before herself. In a casual environment she can often be seen energetically joking around with other kids. She’ll make child-like remarks and generally maintains a bubbly attitude. Sometimes she can cross a few lines and often she finds it hard to read signals when she’s going to far. However when she’s told that she’s crossing the line directly, she’ll humbly apologize and quiet down for a time.
Despite her appearance, Cadayle is not an orphan, the problem is economics. Her father is a joking, aloof man who worked as a servant for a rich family, yet his funds were constantly funneled towards Cadayle’s education, hoping to afford her a better life than he could provide. The current life he was providing was one of poverty and extreme-low class. Often Cadayle’s clothes would compliment this, but Cadayle made it worse with her explorative tendancies. Cadayle always liked to explore places that had never been, this included less clean places like alleyways and junkyards. Her mother was a stern, get it done kind of woman who worked as a history teacher at the local school. Her life was pretty average at the time. She had a small group of friends she valued and generally she got by in school, she was one of the more popular kids but this was offset by her temper, so she had a balance of mundanity to her life.
Cadayle discovered her magical powers when in a junkyard alone when she was twirling around the area playfully, suddenly after a myriad of random words she had been mumbling, a piece of cloth had set aflame. Quickly she doused the flame, but she had never been able to explain why it had set aflame. This would happen when she tried to recreate the incident a myriad of times. Soon enough, she received a rather particular letter in the mail.