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Anemone Dechat
Southampton, England
First year, Hufflepuff
32,7 cm redwood and dragon heartstring
My name is Anemone Dechat.

I come from a very old family of wizards and witches that originated from Izmir. After the great catastrophe in 1922, my ancestors moved in Greece to seek refuge. They never revealed their magic nature to anyone, which made it hard for them to fully become a part of their new community. At the beggining at least.

My parents are both wizards and we currently live in the capital. The magic community here is strong, as is its ability to stay hidden and flourish all these years. I have heard that they are trying to establish a national magic school below earth, inside the old catacombs but it turns out that for bureaucracy, it does not really matter whether you are a wizard or a Muggle...

I am friendly and I work better in a team than alone. The problem with me though is that I am very shy when it comes to speaking to a crowd and that is why I am determined to find a spell that will keep me invisible so that I will never have to draw any attention on me during classes!

As for my appearance, my hair is naturally curly and brown. My eyes are green and I have a bit of a funny nose, that is why I like wearing the biggest glasses I can find!