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Li Holmes
Brittain, England
First year, Gryffindor
23,1 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
{I used a free base by Peachy-Prince on Deviantart to create my character's picture}

Li is a calm and quiet young boy, with a gentle and barely audible voice. He is incredibly shy, and he tends to be nervous about meeting people. His magic began to surface when he turned nine, which terrified him. He always did his best to hide it, but sometimes, little kids can't control everything that happens. His childhood was always fairly good. He grew up with loving and kind parents, but his shyness and his anxiety make it difficult for him to make friends.
When he was accepted into Hogwarts, he was afraid to leave home, knowing he would be surrounded by strangers. The idea made him uneasy, but he knew he would be able to learn to use the magic he only just learned he had.
From a young age, Li was always around animals. His family had three dogs, who he loved dearly. He often feels like animals are the only things around that he can speak with openly, even though he knows he can't understand them, and they can't understand him. It's not as though he minds to much, he still loves them.
Whenever he's sad or nervous, he likes to think about his dog back home, Poppy, a little corgi he left behind when he went off to school. One evening, he was sitting out on the stoop of the complex he lived in with his dog, petting her like he always would and telling her a story about how he was jealous of one of the big kids at his school who always had some sort of candy on her, and how he wanted to be her friend.
He doesn't know how, but she was walking by when he was talking to Poppy, and the next day, she shared a candy bar with him. He's still convinced his dog is magic because of it.