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Wolf Lykos
Brighton, England
First year, Slytherin
25,6 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Her mother was muggle born, but her mother was curious about magic her whole life and when she was growing up had accidentally seen her friend talking to a magically creature, when she asked her friend explained that their is a magical world. This of course, enticed her mother to know about it more and more, to the point where she wanted to go to Hogwarts. Thankfully due to her best friend's parents being wizards, this was quickly accomplished. Her mother, Mia Evans at the time, was so eager to learn and study magic so she kept her studies up, however the creatures tended to interest little Mia more then anything. While the years went by at Hogwarts, Mia had started to like a boy from the Gryffindor house, Oliver Lykos, while he was quite nice to her, there where stereotypes and her house had the stereotype of always being evil, Slytherin. The last year had come upon them quickly, but while lots of gossip arose of the two lovebirds from opposing houses, the two were ready to graduate and go into the Muggle world together. Years pass after they graduated, and they've got a small baby girl on the way; Oliver, being the romantic he is quickly proposed to Mia within three months of her pregnancy. The two of them happily got married and welcomed the small bundle of joy into the world as Mrs. And Mr. Lykos. While the glory days of magic had passed the happy couple, they still told their daughter, Wolf, all of the wonders of the wizarding world. However, they never implemented magic into her life, just the mere stories of magic and fantastic beasts. As a few years passed, Wolf became a bit artistic, always trying to draw the stories her family told her. The young girl was always trying to get more details out of the two grown ups, so she could really imagine it, whatever "it" was at the moment. Regularly Wolf would go into her father's study to draw in quiet, however today was different; she seen a small golden ball laying on her father's desk and as she went to grab it, it flew. Wolf wasn't scared like most children would've been, Oh no, she had heard of the elusive golden ball with a mind of it's own on a playing field. Quickly after, she came downstairs jumping around in an excited tizzy exclaiming about a golden snitch. Mia had known exactly what had happened, so she knew it was time for her daughter to learn exactly what they had. And thus, when Wolf's eleventh birthday rolled around, she got a letter saying she had been accepted to Hogwarts.