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Gen Lockwood
Tywyn, Wales
First year, Ravenclaw
34,3 cm alder wood and unicorn hair
Born the middle child to Atticus and Alana Lockwood, Genevieve or Gen as she was usually called had a normal childhood for any muggle child though maybe not so normal for one of magical parentage. Both her parents were came from families where at least one of the parents was a muggle and because of the muggle parent both of her parents had attended muggle schools. They also had strong ties to the community that they lived in so they would give back despite it being a muggle community.

Since her parents owned and ran a bakery/tea house, known mainly for their herbal teas with ingredients sourced from the Lockwood garden itself, they did not have time to home school Gen and her siblings as many magical families did. Though they were aware that their children could be magical themselves they sent them to the local school. They encourage their children to participate in local activities and events and as such Jess had many friends not only from school but also through extra-curricular activities such as gymnastics, swimming, athletics and horse riding.

At the age of 7 Gen and a friend had been swimming and got caught in a rip. Without assistance from any adult or beach attendants Gen was able to save her friend who had almost drowned. She was given a bravery medal by the local council and appeared in the local paper. Though a story appeared in the paper there was no photo as Gen so nervous in regards to the photo freaked out and her magical power sparked for the first time and somehow broke the camera or at the very least wiped the memory card.