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Chester Myers
London, England
First year, Ravenclaw
31,5 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Chester is the son of a wizard and muggle, but that doesn't bother him as much as it may others. His eyes are a dark blue, contrasting well with his close-to-black grey hair. He's just above the average height for an 11 year old, and is of a lean build. Outside of the Hogwarts uniform, he tends to just wear a shirt and jeans. Occasionally he'll put on the old, worn-out cape his mother made for him when he was a little younger. Personality-wise, he's an introvert, often choosing to observe than to take part in things. He's very passionate about what he believes in, but he'll take the quieter route to see it happen.

He was raised more around muggles than magic, so he isn't as knowledgeable on things. He's very interested in learning however, and plans on entirely focusing on his studies. The subjects he's looking most forward to would have to be Potions (since his dad works with them a lot) and Transfiguration (afterall, who wouldn't want to learn how to make things into something else).

He's never been one for making friends, so it wouldn't bother him if no one wanted to be his. Though, if someone did, he wouldn't be opposed to it. He has a friend that's heading to Hogwarts too, so he knows he won't be all that lonely anyway.