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Katie Brink
Hambleton, England
First year, Hufflepuff
25,5 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
I am from Hambleton, England. I am from a family of pure-blood wizards. My favorite animal is an owl or a fox. I happen to have my mother's red hair and my father's blue eyes. I am a very kind person and I love to make friends.
I am the youngest of 5 children, all my older siblings being brothers. I happened to watch my brothers practice their magic quite often. My parents names are Miranda and Samuel Brink. They absolutely love me and my brothers. My siblings and I get along quite well, but I don't get to see my older two brothers much because they are out of the house now since they are 19 and 21. My other brother's ages are 16 and 13.
I guess you could say I am more like one of the guys as I like to hang out with the guys more, but I feel like that is because I grew up around my brothers all my life.
I happen to own my own owl and her name is Skylar. She is a black owl that has a white stomach. She is so adorable and she is a very loving bird as well. She is a young owl but is great at getting my mail delivered for me. My parents gave her to me when I turned 10.