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Callisto Smallwood
Heslington, England
First year, Gryffindor
29,4 cm mayhaw wood and dragon heartstring

━ The Smallwoods are a very well known Pure-blood family within the wizarding community. Her mother and father both were both from Slytherin. However, her father exercised the role of a good-hearted Slytherin. Her mother not so much.
━ Smallwood is her mother's maiden name. Due to the purity and class of the family, her father took her mother's last name. 
━ Her mother is quite prejudiced and projects this onto Callisto. Her father tries to stop this as much as he can. Though, he tragically met his demise when Callisto was only eight. Not much is known about the actual accident as the ministry tries to keep it quiet, but it was rumored to have something to do with muggles. 
━ Callisto was very close to her father and was heartbroken when he passed. This caused her to become pretty cold and closed off. Also, between her mother's teachings and her own anger about her father's death, she became much more prejudiced against muggles. 
━ Her mother has yet to remarry so it is currently just them. They live with her mother's parents in an upscale manor. 
━ Her mother has a sister with three children whom are ( obviously ) Callisto's cousins. Two boys and one girl. Alexander Smallwood is a sixth year Slytherin. Lillian Smallwood is a fourth year Slytherin. Kayden Smallwood is a second year Slytherin. 
━ Her mother has another sister with two children, but neither of them are old enough to go to Hogwarts yet. Delaney is eight and Hugo is six.
━ They all live in their respective homes, but come to visit the manor often. 
━  She is constantly compared to her older cousins by her other family memebers. Especially now that she has been sorted into Gryffindor.
━ Her mother wishes for her to be perfect simply for show. She wants Callisto to have some high scale job within the Ministry. Callisto thinks being an Auror would be cool....or working with magical creatures. Though, her mother would turn her nose at either of those ideas.

Personality and Random Facts- 
━ Callisto has been raised to think she is much better than others and this certainly shows in her interactions with others. This was the way she was brought up and she doesn't understand that it is wrong. 
━ Callisto is not shy and will not hesitate to speak what she thinks is the truth. 
━ Bases people's worth on their social class and blood status. 
━ Callisto has a soft spot for animals and magical creatures. 
━ She has a lot of pressure on her at home to be perfect. 
━ Callisto will not easily accept defeat.
━  Callisto really wants to follow in her father's footsteps and play Quidditch. 

 ━ Callisto has olive skin and extremely light blonde hair. Her eyes are a deep blue. 
━ She is pretty short. Though, that currently makes sense for an eleven year old.